Summer News in the Naíonra!
We seem to have a little group of young scientists here in Naíonra Naithí. They have shown such an interest in nature, in gardening, in getting to know lots of little creatures - and not so little ones, not only in the Naíonra itself but in our lovely garden too. Hopefully it won’t be too long before their Gladoli and Sunflowers are brightening up their own gardens.
We have watched our little tadpoles become frogs and our little caterpillars become beautiful butterflies. Such excitement when we bade them farewell as they returned to their own homes.
The Naíonra and garden have been filled with singing, laughter, and play – flying kites, blowing bubbles, Yoga, dance, building, climbing, free-play, parachutes and of course Picnic Téidí.
We can’t quite believe that the time has come to say Slán…..go fóillín and we wish all our little ones and their families a happy summer break.