The children had great fun with the our “Shadow Puppets” Show and with the Cinnín Óir & na 3 bhéar! And then we enjoyed watching them putting on their own puppet shows! During the fine weather the garden was filled with laughter daily and some gardeningtoo, as the children planted bulbs in our lovely new planter!
Hallowe’en is almost here and the children were very busy making lovely decorations to bring home with them. We are always a little disappointed when we have to take all the decorations off the walls of the Naíonra!
We made orange playdough (mixing yellow and red), and purple playdough (with blue and red), we told Hallowe’en stories and we had lots and lots of Hallowe’en based Montessori things - if you take a look at the pictures below you will see a sneak peek of what the children were bringing home!!