January in the Naíonra!
January brought lots of discussion about the North & South Pole, Polar Bears, Penguins, Snow and Ice. The children enjoyed working together making our lovely Fear Sneachta which hung on our wall. They like him so much they were happy to make a small one for themselves!
The big chunks of ice in the Grianán brought more excitement and opportunities for learning. We made our own ‘snow’ in the Naíonra and the children loved playing with it together with lots of Montessori activities and games based on the North Pole and South Pole!
Lots of singing about P-P-P-Piongain, Calóga Sneacha, 4 Róin and the Fear Sneachta filled the Naíonra!
And as January drew to a close we were delighted to greet the Plúiríní Sneachta (Snowdrops) peeping up from the earth!