We’ve been having great fun over the past few weeks. The good weather allowed us to play outside almost every day. The children were enthralled with our shadow puppet show, as well as Cinnín Óir & na trí bhéar! They really enjoyed presenting their own shows too.
Michael, our ‘lollipop man’ joined us for Bíp, bíp day to speak to the children about road safety. Then we practiced at the pedestrian crossing ourselves. Each child received their own hi-vis vest to help keep them safe in the dark months ahead.
With Halloween almost upon us the children have been busily creating decorations for home – we’re always a little sad when the Naíonra walls are bare again! We all had the opportunity to dress up, play Halloween board games and enjoy Halloween-themed Montessori activities, particularly, the tough tray. Everyone worked really hard at their pumpkin carving & made pumpkin biscuits too. Yum!